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The annual conference of YES-Europe will be held this year in Athens!



YES-Europe - Resilient Planet

The annual conference of YES-Europe will be held this year in Athens! 

In 2023, YES-Europe is holding, for the first time, its annual conference in Greece, in collaboration with the local team, YES-Europe Greece, and strategic partner, Resilient Planet.

When & Where? Between the 21st and 23rd of April 2023. At the Social Entrepreneurship Centre, Impact Hub Athens, 28 Karaiskaki Street, 10554 Athens, Greece.

What is it about?

The conference includes discussions and presentations involving personalities from academia and business with a long track record in the energy and sustainable development sectors. 

In addition, it includes interactive activities, nature excursions through two visits included in the conference program, and of course networking with people from all over Europe, interested in the energy transition and sustainable development. It aims to cover a range of topics including the energy transition, the importance of renewables in accelerating it, the climate crisis together with the inequalities it brings, ESG criteria, green innovation, the place of youth in energy and sustainability, and the key role of women in these fields. 

Each ticket includes:

  • access to all panels & workshops at the conference  

  • vegan lunch and snacks 

  • transport to and from the visit site of your choice (at Helios Eco Lab or Symbeeosis).  


Helios Eco Lab: is the brainchild of David Davis, a sustainability expert. Helios Eco Lab is a "living museum of sustainability" of zero carbon and zero waste next to the Kouvaras forest near Porto Rafti. Its founder aims to demonstrate that sustainable living can be functional and affordable. The site also houses the Solar Electric Club which promotes a range of services to support the entire solar electric ecosystem.

Symbeeosis HQ's Garden: The Hippocratic Botanical Garden of Symbeeosis, which includes over 500 species of plants, reflects the philosophy of its founders; Out of respect for the rich Greek biodiversity and the preservation of the natural environment, the natural topography remains in much of the Garden and blends perfectly with the flowerbeds. The species cultivated in the Garden using regenerative farming methods are in harmony with the rich native flora that exists on the estate. In the context of a holistic view of the function of nature, in the Garden, the flowering plants live in harmony with the bees that are hosted here and together they ensure its sustainability.

The Symbeeosis Hippocrates Botanical Garden is a place of knowledge, aesthetic pleasure, and unique experiential experiences.


So, if you are a person interested in sustainability and energy-related topics, don't waste time and book your ticket!  

You can book your ticket at the following link:

Let's get to know us better:

YES-Europe (Young leaders in Energy and Sustainability) is a non-profit organization created on the initiative of EPFL University of Lausanne in Switzerland. It aims to create a pan-European network of young scientists and professionals, active in energy and sustainable development. The first annual conference was organized in May 2016. Today, YES-Europe has almost 4000 members in over 17 European countries and is continuously growing with a vision of a more sustainable world for all.

Resilient Planet, is a specialized training center based in Athens, Greece, providing tailor-made training programs on sustainability, climate education, and collaborative culture. The vision of Resilient planet is to empower organizations and people to get familiarized with sustainability and sustainability-related issues.

For further details on the conference follow the link:


For more information on YES-Europe Greece, follow us:




For any further information, contact us at


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